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← Client Experiences // Manny’s got funded for $55,000 in Less than One Week After Buying an Aged Corporation!
Hi, my name is Manny. I recently used wholesale shelf to secure funding for my business. Let me tell you how it all happened.
I started a taxi company in Charleston, North Carolina, about 10 months ago. My brothers and I drive 10 to 12 hours a day. I needed a corporation to boost my chances of getting funded for a project to expand and hire some help. So I did some research and found wholesale shelf I decided to take a chance and purchased a seven-year-old corporation.
Surprisingly, it came with multiple listings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines, an established phone number, a fax number, a fully functional website, a free consultation with an attorney, and some other perks. The whole package was delivered overnight and it was already registered with Articles of Incorporation that had my personal information on them. It was also registered with the IRS and had its own EIN number.
Once the corporation was set up in my name, which took about 24 hours, I was able to reapply for substantial financing. This time, with much more confidence, I started receiving approvals for unsecured credit cards through a sister company of wholesale shelf called Fast Suddenly, I had access to $55,000, and the whole process took less than a week. I was very, very happy with the outcome.